What is the beta of Tesla stock?

What is the beta of Tesla stock?

1.13DraftKings Inc. Cl A Volume 25.92M Beta 1.13 Short Interest 44.96M (02/28/22) Short Interest Change 44.96M Percent of Float 13.28% 7

What is the beta of Amazon stock?

Stock Price History Beta (5Y Monthly) 1.13 52 Week High 3 3,773.08 52 Week Low 3 2,671.45 50-Day Moving Average 3 3,067.48 200-Day Moving Average 3 3,335.34 2

Why does GameStop have a negative beta?

GameStop’s (GME) – Get GameStop Corp. Class A Report has a negative beta of -6.8, according to Infront. Roughly speaking, the negative coefficient means that the stock often moves opposite the general market trend. Aug 31, 2021

Who owns most GME stock?

Top 10 Owners of GameStop Corp Stockholder Stake Shares owned The Vanguard Group, Inc. 7.65% 5,837,633 BlackRock Fund Advisors 6.28% 4,794,611 SSgA Funds Management, Inc. 2.17% 1,653,929 Geode Capital Management LLC 1.01% 773,880 6

How many GME shorts are left?

Short sellers bought to cover and trimmed positions as they incurred large mark-to-market losses. GME shares shorted are now 27.13 million.

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Who owns the most GameStop stock?

Ryan CohenLooking at our data, we can see that the largest shareholder is Ryan Cohen with 12% of shares outstanding. The Vanguard Group, Inc. is the second largest shareholder owning 8.0% of common stock, and BlackRock, Inc. holds about 6.2% of the company stock. Oct 25, 2021

How high will GM stock go?

AI Pickup expects the average GM stock price at $54.92 in 2022. The average share price could fall to $50.64 in 2023. The downtrend is expected to continue and the average GM stock prices could dip to $49.08 in 2024, $45.63 in 2025, $38.39 in 2026, $40.38 in 2027, $45.01 in 2028, $48.60 in 2029 and $52.28 in 2030. Feb 3, 2022

What will happen to GameStop stock tomorrow?

GamestopCorporation target prediction for 01 Fri April 2022 are 136.83, 120.2, 103.56 on the upside, and 48.55, 65.19, 81.82 on the downside. GamestopCorporation target prediction for 08 Fri April 2022 are 141.15, 119.08, 97.01 on the upside, and 44.23, 66.3, 88.37 on the downside.

Can I hunt on my own land without a license in pa?

In Pennsylvania, you may not hunt private property without the permission of the landowner. Written permission is not required, but it is advisable.

How much do game wardens make in Pennsylvania?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average game warden in the state of Pennsylvania makes a median salary between 40,000 and 60,000 per year.

Can a game warden pull you over in pa?

In order for the officer to search the vehicle, he must have consent or possess probable cause. Further, if a Game Commission officer is no longer acting within the scope of his official duties, he cannot stop a vehicle even if he has reasonable suspicion or probable cause.

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Can I shoot a deer on my property in pa?

Pennsylvania landowners have total control of hunting on their properties. In addition, state law provides a “”safety zone”” restricting firearm hunting within 150 yards of occupied buildings, or 50 yards for archery hunting. But landowners can permit individuals to hunt within their safety zones. Nov 30, 2013

Can I shoot a coyote on my property in Pennsylvania?

HUNTING: No closed season. Unlimited. Outside of any big game season (deer, bear, elk and turkey), coyotes may be taken with a hunting license or a furtaker license, and without wearing orange. During any big game season, coyotes may be taken while lawfully hunting big game or with a furtaker license.