What is the diamond seed in Minecraft?

What is the diamond seed in Minecraft?

This seed is quite a generous one, if you travel to the coordinates 270 13 -265 you will encounter a cave that holds an exposed vein of 17 diamonds, if you are a Minecraft veteran then you probably already know that, 17 means a lot of diamonds! Aug 12, 2021

What is the best 1.17 1 seed?

15 Best Minecraft 1.17 Seeds Scattered Islands Seed. …Scenic Forest Village. …Beautiful Forest Hills. …Extreme Hills Lavafall. …No Tree Island. …Endless Desert. Seed: 1297970985505311939. …Desert Village near a Woodland Mansion. Seed: 1296755217707199185. …Bonus: Snowy Mountains Near Mushroom Fields. Seed: 3006516195185472982. More items… • Oct 28, 2021

What is the best 1.17 Minecraft seed?

Best Minecraft 1.17 seeds for a survival world A desert village (Image via Minecraft) This seed was found by u/_SoelBuildzz (Image via Reddit) A shipwreck in the game (Image via Minecraft) A plains village (Image via Minecraft) Ruined portal (Image via Minecraft) Sep 12, 2021

Which Minecraft seed has the most diamonds?

5 best Minecraft Seeds to find diamonds in 2022 Desert Temple Spawn. Desert Temple Minecraft Seeds. Seed: 1136332378. … The Diamond Ravine. Ravine. Seed: -974562123. … Shipwrecked Diamonds. Shipwreck. Seed: -573947210. … Jungle Exploration. Jungle Temple spawn. Seed: -1969652990125137044. Jan 5, 2022

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What is the best seed for 1.18 1 Minecraft?

Minecraft 1.18. 1 Village Seeds (2022) The Scattered Plains. The Desert War Seed in Minecraft 1.18. Desert Temple Next to Village. Home of Temples. Underground Village Housing Seed. A Unique Savanna. The Last Villagers in Minecraft 1.18. Aesthetic Broken Spawn Village. More items… • Feb 24, 2022

Are bedrock and Java seeds the same?

A Java Edition world seed wouldn’t be the same on Bedrock Edition. Now, seeds are universal. A seed found for a Java Edition world will remain the same for a Bedrock Edition world. Dec 26, 2021

Why is Pokémon Conquest so expensive?

Easily one of the most underrated entries in the Pokemon series, Pokemon Conquest is a tactical RPG not unlike Fire Emblem, tying together Pokemon with a feudal Japanese aesthetic. Due to the game’s cult following and lack of availability, copies of the game tend to sell for upwards of $75.00. Jun 8, 2021

Will there be a Pokémon Conquest 2?

Pokémon Conquest 2 is a spin-off title of the Pokémon Series of video games. It was released for the Nintendo Switch on June 10th 2027. It is the sequel to Pokémon Conquest as well as a crossover title between Pokémon and Nobunaga’s Ambition. The game takes place in the Nanugi Region.

Was Pokémon Conquest a good game?

Overall, Pokémon Conquest is a game that anyone should be able to enjoy – assuming you have the patience demanded by the strategy genre. In truth, it’s a type of gameplay that is probably not suited for everyone. The pacing is intentionally slow, and some battles take a long, long time to complete. Jun 16, 2012

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How long does it take to 100% Pokémon Conquest?

When focusing on the main objectives, Pokémon Conquest is about 13½ Hours in length. If you’re a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 115 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Why are old Pokemon games expensive?

And the graphics are just a notch better than Game Boy graphics. So the real reason Pokémon games are so expensive is the same as any other collectible. They’re worth what YOU are willing to pay for them. Fans keep paying. Sep 3, 2021

Why is Pokemon Diamond so expensive?

The level of demand has far exceeded the supply for Pokémon games on the Nintendo DS. As such, the gap in the market has been filled by reproduction cartridges, which can be purchased cheaply on eBay. May 9, 2020

How many copies did Pokemon Conquest sell?

Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 released a few months later and largely overshadowed Pokemon Conquest, which sold only a million copies despite critical acclaim. Jan 11, 2021