Can you level up vehicles in Battlefield 2042 solo? Can you level up vehicles in Battlefield 2042 solo? At the time of this writing, you cannot level up solo in Portal. This is because the developers fear the inevitable XP farm servers that are designed to just allow people to level up quickly without much effort. XP was removed,...
Can you spot enemies in Battlefield 2042? Can you spot enemies in Battlefield 2042? To spot your enemies in Battlefield 2042, press the Q key if you're playing on PC, or the right bumper button (RB/R1) if you're playing on console. You can use spotting, aka marking or tagging enemies, to let your teammates know where enemies...
Why does it take so long to find a match in Battlefield 2042? Why does it take so long to find a match in Battlefield 2042? For the game with Battlefield 2042, it's been a long time to find a match now. The first half of Battlefield 2042 was nearly a complete disaster. There are lots of bugs and issues in the game,...
What is blind LOL? What is blind LOL? Blind: A unit that is blinded will miss its basic attacks for the duration. Miss occurs on-hit, and does not prevent attacks from being declared....
Which champion is a member of both KDA and true damage? Which champion is a member of both KDA and true damage? Instead, we'll look at the champions: Yasuo, Ekko, Qiyana, and Senna on one side, with Ahri, Evelynn, and Kai'Sa on the other. We won't count Akali because she's on both teams. For anyone who cares about lore, Akali, as...