What is the slowest helicopter in GTA 5?

What is the slowest helicopter in GTA 5? As mentioned previously, the Cargobob is tied with the Cargobob Jetsam as the slowest helicopter in GTA Online. The main appeal to both helicopters is their ability to use a hook to carry vehicles across long distances.

As mentioned previously, the Cargobob is tied with the Cargobob Jetsam as the slowest helicopter in GTA Online. The main appeal to both helicopters is their ability to use a hook to carry vehicles across long distances.

What is the best weaponized helicopter in GTA?

Akula. The next chopper on this list is a must-own for any GTA Online player. The Akula is a weaponized helicopter that comes pre-equipped with heavy armor and weapons. It also possesses a feature unavailable on any other helicopter in the game.

What is the best bike in GTA 5?

Best motorcycles in GTA Online
  • Hakuchou Drag Bike. The Hakuchou Drag Bike. Image via GTA Wiki. If players are looking for the best overall speed and handling, they should buy the Shitzu Hakuchou Drag Bike.
  • Bati 801. The Bati 801. Image via GTA Wiki.
  • Apocalypse Deathbike. The Apocalypse Deathbike. Image via GTA Wiki.

How do you get the Sea Sparrow in GTA 5?

The Sea Sparrow can be bought from Elitas Travel for $1,815,000 in GTA Online.

What is the slowest helicopter in GTA 5? – Related Questions

What is the cheapest helicopter in GTA?

The infamous Buzzard and the deadly Akula are two of the most affordable and beginner-friendly helicopters in the game.