What is wrong with RE6?

What is wrong with RE6?

Resident Evil 6 failed because of Capcom’s hubris. They truly believed that the Resident Evil series deserved to be on top of video game sales charts because of the name on the box alone. They were so convinced that was true, in fact, that they were willing to implement anything that they perceived to be popular. Jan 24, 2017

Is RE6 scary?

Yet none of these represent the most frightening element of Resident Evil 6, the latest chapter in the survival horror tale. … The scariest part is the poor attempt at turning this franchise into a full-fledged action game. … centred around their four interwoven campaigns. Resident Evil 6 Mode(s) Single-player, multiplayer 2 more rows

How many copies did Resident Evil 6 sell?

7.7 million copies Resident Evil 6 became Capcom’s fourth-best-selling game by December 2020, with a lifetime sales of 7.7 million copies worldwide for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 of its first single release.

How old is Leon S Kennedy in RE6?

Kennedy (Age: 21, Height: 5’10 », Birth year: 1977) Leon is arguably the most beloved of the main characters in the RE franchise, and it’s not hard to see why (it’s obviously the hair). … How old is Leon in re6? Leon S. Kennedy Status: Alive Weapons: Heckler & Koch VP70 Beretta 92F Custom ‘Samurai Edge’ AKMSU 2 more rows

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Will Resident Evil 8 have Leon?

Unfortunately, the same can not be said for Leon Scott Kennedy as the iconic Resi character is not in RE8. Although Leon features in Resident Evil 2 (2019), the character hasn’t made an appearance since RE6 — chronologically speaking.

Is Leon in re7?

As it turns out, Leon Kennedy is not featured in Resident Evil 7, without a single trace of him to be found in any file you gather during a play-through. However, another past Resident Evil character does make an appearance during Biohazard, so hard-core fans can still have that throwback. Jan 26, 2017

How did RE6 end?

Thanks to Jake’s blood a vaccine for the C-Virus has been distilled, and the outbreak is gradually contained. In the Secret Ending (which is obtained by completing Ada’s campaign) we see that Jake continues the fight against the B.O.W.’s in an underdeveloped country (somewhere in the Middle East).

Who is Agent in RE6?

The “”Agent”” is the optional player co-op partner of Ada Wong in Resident Evil 6, who was released in a free update for the game on December 17, 2012. Nothing is known about Agent as a character due to him being only in the game for cooperative purposes.

What Pokemon can you catch in Brilliant Diamond?

So, we’ve picked out eight of the best Pokémon to catch early in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Starly (Route 201) …Shinx (Route 202) …Magikarp (use Old Rod on Route 203) …Budew (Route 204) …Abra (Route 203 or trade in Oreburgh City) …Misdreavus (Eterna Forest, Shining Pearl exclusive) …Ponyta (Route 211) Nov 23, 2021

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Is Pokemon brilliant diamond worth it?

All-in-all, the game is absolutely worth it for fans of Pokémon and those looking to get into the series. It provides little frills, but exactly what’s needed at virtually every moment of play. Nov 18, 2021

What Legendaries are in Brilliant Diamond?

There are a ridiculous amount of Mythical and Legendary Pokemon available in Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. Here’s where to find them all. … Quick Links. Manaphy Phione Mew Regirock Regice Registeel Regigigas Latias Latios Articuno (SP) Zapdos (SP) Moltres (SP) Raikou (BD) Entei (BD) Suicune (BD) 6 more rows • Mar 18, 2022

What is the difference between Pokémon Shining Pearl and Brilliant Diamond?

Like the original Diamond and Pearl games for the Nintendo DS, the primary difference between Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is exclusive Pokemon. Each game features a handful of monsters that can’t be found in the other version, including the legendary Pokemon at the heart of the story: Dialga and Palkia. Dec 8, 2021

Can you get Palkia in Brilliant Diamond?

How to See Palkia in Brilliant Diamond. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond players can still add Palkia to their Pokedex by speaking to Cynthia’s Grandmother in Celestic Town. She will show you an image of Palkia after you beat Cyrus at Spear Pillar. This will be enough to add it to your Pokedex. Feb 8, 2022