What makes KOTOR so good?

What makes KOTOR so good?

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is an excellent game. The first and foremost advantage that this game has is its story. The story is presented masterfully over the course of a roughly 16 hour adventure. The characters that the player encounters are all memorable.

Can you play SWTOR on PS4?

Unfortunately for PS4 players, no, Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Remake will not be coming to PS4 and will be a next generation console exclusive. Sep 10, 2021

Can you play SWTOR on a Chromebook?

Starting today, you can also get some Android games on your Chromebook in the form of Star Wars: KOTOR and Asphalt 9. Star Wars: KOTOR (or Knights of the Old Republic) is a circa originally released on Xbox and PC in 2003. It’s an open world RPG where you become a Jedi. Dec 5, 2019

Can a Macbook Pro run Star Wars: The Old Republic?

edit: Yes he will need to buy a Windows OS. I just purchased the base model, late-2011, 13″” MBP and was able to get SWTOR running and in game using Parallels. Dec 21, 2011

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Can you solo SWTOR?

With eight class stories combined with Flashpoints, SWTOR offers plenty of story for both solo and group players. Thanks to level downscaling and generous experience points (XP), the player should never feel too powerful, while also removing the need to grind for XP to progress in the story. Dec 28, 2020

Can you play SWTOR with a controller?

Although Star Wars: The Old Republic does not support controllers by default, many clever players have figured out that there are ways to set up the game to be playable on controllers of all types. Below is a list of resources related to playing SWTOR on a controller from various consoles! Jul 31, 2021

Why is SWTOR not on Xbox?

“”there are currently no plans to bring SWTOR to any console.”” No worries, it would have been nice to play with them. Despite it’s impossibility at this stage it’s interesting thinking about the result a console release, within let’s say about a year from the actual PC release, would have had on the game’s state. Apr 25, 2018

How do I make SWTOR more fun?

How to have fun in swtor. Get your first character to level 50 before creating other alts. …Presence boost. …Heroic Call. …Minor Buffs. …Conclusion to companion bonuses. …Class Buffs. …Conclusion to Class buffs. …Benefits of a lvl 50 Character. More items… • Feb 8, 2013

Is SWTOR 2021 Canon?

SWTOR does not affect canon in any way, since it’s set thousands of years before Disney’s Star Wars media. Thankfully, Disney still allows Bioware to run SWTOR, since the game generates so much revenue for Disney and it’s still popular.

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Does Disney own SWTOR?

disney doesn’t own swtor…. EA and Bioware do so the answer to your question is no… because they have no power over this game. Jul 2, 2016

Is SWTOR worth starting in 2021?

If you happen to already have friends currently playing the Old Republic though, I highly recommend starting NOW though. That way, there’s a chance you may even be caught up to max-level by the time the expansion comes out, or at least be close – the levelling in this game is very fast. Dec 14, 2021


SWTOR sticks to the mainstream MMORPG playstyle and doesn’t veer off into really weird combat and gameplay like Elder Scrolls Online does. All in all, I think that SWTOR is the best MMORPG on the market right now. It’s not perfect but it’s better than any other MMORPG right now. Sep 23, 2019

What do you get with a SWTOR subscription?

When you subscribe to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, you automatically gain the following: Permanent access to all previous expansions and all content released up to and including your subscription period. Full access to all aspects of the game for the duration of your subscription, with Preferred access afterward.