What music do 50 year old men like?

What music do 50 year old men like?
songs a 50 year old man would enjoy

If You’re GoneMatchbox Twenty.
SympathyThe Goo Goo Dolls.
She’s so HighTal Bachman.
Someday – RemasteredSugar Ray.
FlySugar Ray.
Closing TimeSemisonic.
I Go BlindHootie & The Blowfish.
One HeadlightThe Wallflowers.

songs a 50 year old man would enjoy
  • If You’re GoneMatchbox Twenty.
  • SympathyThe Goo Goo Dolls.
  • She’s so HighTal Bachman.
  • Someday – RemasteredSugar Ray.
  • FlySugar Ray.
  • Closing TimeSemisonic.
  • I Go BlindHootie & The Blowfish.
  • One HeadlightThe Wallflowers.