What planet is Mace Windu from?

What planet is Mace Windu from?

planet Haruun KalJedi youngling Mace Windu was born on the planet Haruun Kal in the year 72 BBY.

How old is our galaxy?

Astronomers believe the Milky Way is about 13.6 billion years old — only 200 million years younger than the universe. The galaxy’s evolution began when clouds of gas and dust started collapsing, pushed together by gravity. Dec 3, 2021

Why did Star Wars Galaxies fail?

It did have a churn problem, and exit surveys showed all the top answers for why people left were “lack of content.” This was largely attributable to things like the combat balance, the lack of quests, and so on. WoW didn’t kill SWG. In fact, SWG lost less users to WoW than any other SOE game. Apr 27, 2015

Why was SWG shut down?

At SOE Fan Faire 2011, SOE chief exec John Smedley revealed the reason for the shut-down. “”It was time to turn it off. We have a contractual relationship that’s ending in 2012, The Old Republic launching, a bunch of other business things with LucasArts,”” Smedley said (via The Escapist. Jul 12, 2011

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Who created the Force?

George LucasGeorge Lucas created the concept of “”the Force”” both to advance the plot of Star Wars (1977) and to try to awaken a sense of spirituality in young audience members.

Do gods exist in Star Wars?

2 Answers. Show activity on this post. The idea of gods certainly exists in the Galaxy far far away, there are several examples of people worshipping gods or making reference to gods. The Jedi in The Last Jedi are referred to as “”a religion”” however in lieu of a deity they worship The Force. Dec 15, 2017

Why do they say Godspeed in Star Wars?

Godspeed is an Earthly term of good wishes to a person starting a journey. This is actually not the first mention of “god” or Earthly religious terms in Star Wars. In The Empire Strikes Back, Han angrily replies “Then I’ll see you in Hell” when the Hoth officer asks him to stay and accept Luke as lost.

Who is the strongest Jedi ever?

Star Wars: 25 Jedi From Weakest To Most Powerful, Officially… 1 Yoda. The most powerful Jedi ranked at the top of the list should come as no surprise. 2 Luke Skywalker. …3 Rey. …4 Obi-Wan Kenobi. …5 Mace Windu. …6 Qui-Gon Jinn. …7 Anakin Skywalker. …8 Ki-Adi-Mundi. …More items… • Nov 11, 2021

Who was the wisest Jedi?

Yoda is the wisest force user within the principles of the Jedi, but Qui gon would be the wisest force user who is a Jedi. Jun 20, 2019

Who was the 1st Jedi?

The first Jedi was Jedi Master Phanius, who later turned to the Dark Side, and became a Sith Lord.

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What is under a Jedi?

A Padawan or Jedi Apprentice is a young Jedi in training with a Jedi Knight or Master. May 6, 2019

What rank was Qui Gon Jinn?

Jedi KnightBorn on the Core World Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic in around 80 BBY, Jinn eventually learned the ways of the Force as the Padawan of Jedi Master Dooku before ultimately attaining the rank of Jedi Knight.

Is Grogu the chosen one?

He cites the fact that he is the Chosen One and explains to him that both light and darkness are necessary in this galaxy. Due to these remarks, it’s assumed that Anakin can tap into both sides of the Force to fulfil his destiny of becoming the Saviour.