What rank is Typical Gamer?

What rank is Typical Gamer?
Andre “Typical Gamer” Rebelo is a Fortnite esports player.Overview.

Typical Gamer

NAW North America West

Power Rankings


Past 30 Days

Andre “Typical Gamer” Rebelo is a Fortnite esports player.


Typical Gamer
Residency NAW North America West
Power Rankings
All 21618
Past 30 Days 0

What are Typical Gamer girlfriends?

He often posts videos featuring his girlfriend, Samara Redway, who is also a popular streamer herself with 374K followers on YouTube.

How old is Typical Gamer?

30 years (March 23, 1992)
Typical Gamer / Age

How did Typical Gamer get famous?

He rose to popularity by streaming videos of himself playing games like Fortnite, Minecraft, quirky mods for Grand Theft Auto 5, and Ark: Survival Evolved. Starting today, he has announced that Typical Gamer will now be exclusively on YouTube Gaming!

What rank is Typical Gamer? – Related Questions

How much money does Typical Gamer make a day?

Typical Gamer attracts an average of 1.7 million views per day as reported by Techie Gamers, which implies he can earn somewhere around $5 million per year from his main channel’s AdSense revenue.

What is TG plays net worth?

Personal Information
Name Andre Rebelo
Net Worth $23 million
Total Videos <3.9k
Upload Schedule/Activity Status Daily/Active
Residence Vancouver, Canada