What rating is Boris in SparkChess?
What rating is Boris in SparkChess? If you must know, Claire has an Elo rating of 1500 depending on her mood. Boris is 1700 on a good day and Guru is around 1900-2000.
If you must know, Claire has an Elo rating of 1500 depending on her mood. Boris is 1700 on a good day and Guru is around 1900-2000.
Is chess haram in Islam?
Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti has ruled that chess is forbidden in Islam, saying it encourages gambling and is a waste of time.
How do I unblock a SparkChess?
Get SparkChess Premium or Advanced Multiplayer to remove the 2,000 points limit on your score. Use your email address with the free Gravatar service to upload the avatar of your choice. Select the players you’d wish to unblock from the list below, then click/tap the Unblock button.