What sport has the most fit athletes?

What sport has the most fit athletes?
Water Polo is your Fittest Sport

Overall Fitness Rating (%)

Water Polo

Rugby 7s

American Football


Water Polo is your Fittest Sport
Ranking Sport Overall Fitness Rating (%)
1 Water Polo 80.3
2 Rugby 7s 79.6
3 American Football 79.3
4 Ultimate 79.3

What is the healthiest sport?

The research concluded that racket sports, swimming, aerobics and cycling seem to be the best for prolonging life, in that order. Meanwhile, those who partake in racket sports such as squash, also have a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases such as strokes.

What sport builds the most muscle?

The best sports to gain muscle
  • Gym. Of course, when you think about gain muscle you think immediately of going to the gym.
  • Swimming. As we all know, the density of water is higher than air.
  • Boxing. The muscular effects of boxing are incredible.
  • Gymnastics.
  • Surfing.

Which sport is the best for losing weight?

Top 10 Sports for Losing Weight
  • Basketball |Calories Burned Per Hour-576.
  • Soccer |Calories Burned Per Hour- 504.
  • Martial Arts |Calories Burned Per Hour- 475-575.
  • Swimming |Calories Burned Per Hour- 400.
  • Gymnastics |Calories Burned Per Hour- 288.

What sport has the most fit athletes? – Related Questions

What kind of exercise burns belly fat?

Getting toned abs just got easy

The best way to burn body fat is through cardio exercises such as running, walking, elliptical training, and bicycling. With these exercises, burning stomach fat, shedding love handles, and building a six pack is completely do-able.