What state is North Yankton?

What state is North Yankton? Yankton is a city in and the county seat of Yankton County, South Dakota, United States.

Yankton is a city in and the county seat of Yankton County, South Dakota, United States.

How old is Michael de Santa?

Michael De Santa
Age 39 (2004), 48 (2013), 57 (2022)
Born July 6, 1965
Status Alive
Height 6’2″ (188 cm)

How did Michael escape North Yankton?

The North Yankton State Patrol swarmed the scene and chased the three men as they tried to escape to their getaway helicopter. The SUV they were riding in was hit by a train and disabled, so the trio escaped on foot to their destination.

Can you get back to North Yankton in GTA 5?

What state is North Yankton? – Related Questions

Does GTA 5 have snow?

Snow is just like its real-life counterpart, pretty but not especially useful. You can leave tracks in it, but you won’t gain any mystical properties or special missions from it. It’s more of a decorative addition that makes Los Santos feel more festive.

Where is Ludendorff GTA?

Ludendorff is a small rural town located in the state of North Yankton, featured in Grand Theft Auto V.