What train stop is Fenway Park?

What train stop is Fenway Park? Fenway Park is conveniently located within walking distance of public transportation. It is just around the corner from the Kenmore T station.

Fenway Park is conveniently located within walking distance of public transportation. It is just around the corner from the Kenmore T station.

Can you Uber to Fenway Park?

We’ve teamed up with the Boston Red Sox to help bring you closer to every game. Open the app, request, and you’ll have a ride to or from your view of home plate in minutes.

How much is overnight parking in Boston?

Boston Parking Rates
Parking Type SpotHero Average Price Offered
Commuter Parking $20 – $34
Weekend Parking $15 – $28
Event Parking $16 – $45
Overnight Parking $28 – $48

Is there any free parking in Boston?

For those wanting to spend their evenings in Boston walking the Freedom Trail or touring old neighborhoods, try taking advantage of the free metered parking in town. Most meters are enforced between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday, so anything outside the time is fair game to park at for free.

What train stop is Fenway Park? – Related Questions

Is parking difficult in Boston?

Parking in Boston can be tricky.

Boston routinely ranks at or near the top of “most congested cities in the U.S.” lists, and driving around the block can take much longer than you might expect. The best place to park in Boston is in a garage.