What will happen if you play the elevator game?

What will happen if you play the elevator game?

You may become disoriented or forget which elevator you arrived in. Try to stay focused. It’s the only way out. If you pass out or faint, you might wake up at home. Oct 5, 2020

What is the elevator story about?

“The Elevator” is a short story about a young boy named Martin who has recently moved into a new apartment complex and is scared to go on the elevator. When he takes the stairs his father is confused as to why Martin is breathing hard. When Martin explains, his father makes him take the elevator.

Who created the elevator?

Elisha Graves OtisThe OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY can trace its origins to 1853, when Elisha Graves Otis introduced the first safety passenger elevator at the Crystal Palace Convention in New York City. His invention impressed spectators at the convention, and the first passenger elevator was installed in New York City in 1856.

How many floors do you need to play the elevator game?

10 floorsHow to Play: Find a building with at least 10 floors. Make sure to be alone and that no one else joins you in the elevator throughout this process, otherwise, you must start over. Sep 21, 2017

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Can you play the elevator game with a friend?

Enter the elevator alone. (Or with your friends, but no one else.) Do not get out on any of the floors. If any outsiders get on the elevator, you’ll need to start over. May 11, 2020

What is elevator to another world?

If anything seems off—even the smallest detail—do NOT exit the elevator. If you detect something wrong, repeat step 2 until your surroundings look as they should. Once you are confident you have returned to your own world, you may safely exit the elevator. Jun 25, 2014

How do you play elevator tag?

It is really simple and similar to the movie above. You and your date go in one elevator, and another couple goes in the other. Or, you are by yourself and she is by herself. Then each group picks a floor.

What is the elevator?

elevator, also called lift, car that moves in a vertical shaft to carry passengers or freight between the levels of a multistory building. Most modern elevators are propelled by electric motors, with the aid of a counterweight, through a system of cables and sheaves (pulleys).

What is the climax in the story the elevator?

Climax. The climax was when Martin got back on the elevator again and the lady got on at floor three on purpose to find out whree Martin lived. Then, when he was gettng off at his stop, she barely made any room for him to sqeeze out.

How did Martin break his leg in the elevator?

Martin terrified of the tiny elevator and when he met a fat lady on it, it made him even more scared. He tried to tell his dad but he didn’t listen. He broke his leg running away from the fat woman. Martin fell out of an elevator and almost died.

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How does Martin feel about elevators?

Martin has a fear of being trapped in an elevator by himself. He is also very uncomfortable when people are in the elevator with him.

Why is Otis the elevator guy?

Personal life. Brian was born in the United States from a Russian immigrant family. At the time of his death, he was dating Lily. His nickname “”Otis”” is because of his specialism in elevators and that is a common brand of elevator in the United States.

How does the elevator work?

Elevators work via a pulley-esque system whereby a metal rope connects to the top of the elevator car that travels through a “sheave” in the engine room, according to Discovery. Thus, the sheave acts as a pulley wheel featuring grooves to hold onto the metal rope (also known as a cable) securely. Oct 15, 2017