What car was Letty driving when she died? What car was Letty driving when she died? 1971 Jensen Interceptor Following Letty's major car crash at the hands of Fenix, the character was left with severe amnesia....
Who did Toretto have a kid with? Who did Toretto have a kid with? Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel) went rogue to protect his son. One of the biggest surprises from "F8" was the revelation that Dom had a son with Elena (Elsa Pataky). He found out about the baby when the film's villain, a cyber terrorist named...
Why is Flash discontinued? Why is Flash discontinued? Flash Player and the Flash animation software are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PRODUCTS.......
What race earns the most in the US? What race earns the most in the US? Following a rapid increase from 1970 to 2016, income inequality is highest among Asians. Asians are the highest-earning racial and ethnic group in the U.S., on average....
What caliber do snipers use? What caliber do snipers use? The multi-caliber rifle known by a few different names can be chambered in 7.62X51 mm NATO, . 300 Norma Magnum, and . 338 Norma Magnum, meaning snipers no longer have to choose between weapons systems capable of firing different rounds for different missions and targets....