When was Tsum Tsum discontinued?

When was Tsum Tsum discontinued?

October 2017 It’s game over for MARVEL Tsum Tsum. While the LINE Disney Tsum Tsum app continues to steam ahead with millions of players worldwide and new monthly events, the international version of its spinoff MARVEL Tsum Tsum is being discontinued on October 31, 2017. Sep 27, 2017

Is Dofus still active?

That’s why, after 13 years, we’ve decided to permanently shut down the heroic servers on September 21, 2021. Jul 20, 2021

Is Dofus a wakfu?

Wakfu features the same classes as Dofus, although many have different appearances or roles. As in Dofus, Wakfu features professions which characters may learn. Harvesting professions let characters “”collect resources or basic materials from the fauna and flora””.

What is better Dofus or Wakfu?

Dofus has a bigger community, more content, and Ankama is pretty actively developing it. Wakfu has really lost its community over the past couple years, but Ankama doesn’t seem to have totally given up on it yet. The game play is similar enough between the two, that you’ll probably enjoy them both.

Is Dofus a word?

Slang. a foolish or inept person.

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When did Dofus 1.29 come out?

DOFUS 1.29 Info – 2016-10-25 14:00. Oct 25, 2016

How many people are playing Dofus?

And 3.5 million paying subscribers. Attractive turn-based cartoon MMO Dofus has a whopping 30 million “”registered players””. Apr 19, 2010

What are the 12 races in Wakfu?

See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Eliatrope: an ancient race which laid down the foundation of the World of Twelve. … Enutrof: Greedy treasure hunters, diggers and miners. … Iop: Brainless close-combat warriors who are brave but stupid. … Sadida: One could call them the druids or shamans of the world. More items… • Dec 21, 2014

Do Yugo and Amalia get together?

When Yugo and Amalia finally defeated Black Bump, they then kiss, but Yugo says that he regrets kissing her afterward. This breaks Amalia’s heart, but they make up in the end.

Is Wakfu an anime?

Wakfu: The Animated Series is an anime-influenced French animated television series produced by Ankama Animation, based on the video game Wakfu. The first season of 26 episodes began airing on 30 October 2008, and new episodes would continue to air into January 2010 on France 3.

Does Dofus touch f2p?

Dofus Touch is a free-to-play mobile strategy MMORPG developed by Ankama Games for iOS and Android platforms.

How many Dofus eggs are there?

For information about the D, O, F, U, S tiles, see Dofus cave. Dofus is a piece of Equipment. The Dofus (plural of which is also Dofus) are dragon eggs. Six of them were retrieved from the stomach of a dragon named Bolgrot, and each is an artifact of great power.

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What are the primordial Dofus?

The first six Primordial Dofus were laid by the Primordial Dragons, the first to incarnate on the World of Ten after it was found by the gods. There is one for each element as well as black magic and white magic, and their pulse was used to create and maintain the world’s harmony.