Which bank gives 7% interest on savings account?

Which bank gives 7% interest on savings account?
The bank is now providing savings account holders with a maximum rate of 7% on savings bank deposits of more than 1 lakh and up to 50 lakhs, effective March 4, 2022.Jana Small Finance Bank.

Savings Account Balance
Interest Rate Per Annum

More than 50 Lakhs and Upto 50 Crores

More than Rs. 50 Crores

The bank is now providing savings account holders with a maximum rate of 7% on savings bank deposits of more than 1 lakh and up to 50 lakhs, effective March 4, 2022.

Jana Small Finance Bank.

Savings Account Balance Interest Rate Per Annum
More than 50 Lakhs and Upto 50 Crores 6.50%
More than Rs. 50 Crores 6.50%

What is the average return on a TFSA?

That’s because—according to research conducted by the Bank of Montreal—65% of Canadians with a TFSA parked an average of $17,133 in cash accounts (as opposed to any type of investment), where they’re typically earning an average return of 1% or less a year.

What is the highest interest rate for a TFSA?

EQ Bank offers a TFSA savings account that holds different types of investments with a 2.00% return—currently the highest regular interest rate on any savings account in Canada, and even managing to beat out the limited-time promotional offers by the big banks.

Is TFSA better than RRSP?

The major difference between RRSP and TFSA accounts centres around tax implications. RRSPs offer a tax deduction when you contribute, but you have to pay tax when you withdraw the money. TFSAs offer no up-front tax break, but you don’t pay tax on any withdrawals, including growth.

What should I put in my TFSA?

TFSA Investment Rules
  1. Cash.
  2. Guaranteed Income Certificates (GICs)
  3. Government and corporate bonds.
  4. Stocks.
  5. Mutual Funds.
  6. Exchage-traded funds (ETFs)
  7. Certain shares of small business corporations.

What type of investment is best for TFSA?

Best TFSA Investment Accounts
  • Cash, savings, and term deposits (GICs).
  • Securities listed on a designated stock exchange e.g. stocks and ETFs.
  • Bonds (including federal, provincial government, and corporate bonds).