Who could beat Wanda in a fight?

Who could beat Wanda in a fight?
There are a good number of DC heroes and villains who would defeat her.

7 Mister Miracle Is Known For Defying The Odds.
8 Wonder Woman Has Proven She Can Handle Powerful Magical Threats.
9 Perpetua Creates Entire Multiverses.
10 Izaya The Highfather Has The Power Of The Source On His Side.

There are a good number of DC heroes and villains who would defeat her.
  • 7 Mister Miracle Is Known For Defying The Odds.
  • 8 Wonder Woman Has Proven She Can Handle Powerful Magical Threats.
  • 9 Perpetua Creates Entire Multiverses.
  • 10 Izaya The Highfather Has The Power Of The Source On His Side.

Who can defeat Iron Man in Avengers?

Thor and Iron Man have mostly been friends over the years, but they have come to blows, most notably upon Thor’s return after Civil War. Thor took exception to Iron Man’s actions when he found out about them, especially Iron Man’s use of a Thor clone, and the two came to blows. Thor beat Iron Man easily.

Who would win Wanda or Superman?

The Scarlet Witch’s magical abilities are simply unmatched by the other Avengers. DC’s strongest hero is generally agreed to be Superman, who can take hits from just about any villain in the universe and dish them back 10 times harder.

Who could beat Wanda in a fight? – Related Questions

Can Superman survive the sun?

His powers have been reigned in from the preposterous Silver Age, but he is still a largely unstoppable force. In most eras, Superman could do backstrokes on the sun’s surface and survive unscathed.

Who can defeat Deadpool?

Thanos Kills Deadpool

As Thanos has put a curse on him, the Mad Titan is the one that can lift the curse and kill him.

Can a nuke hurt Superman?

“High-energy neutrons, gamma radiation and hard x-rays will overcome any conceivable [defense]. Superman’s legendary cellular make-up will disintegrate into a plasma gas. His legendary speed [won’t] permit him to outrun nuclear death approaching him at light-comparable speed.”

Can Superman survive Omega Beams?

According to Darkseid, his body could not contain the Omega Effect if it could not resist it. Darkseid once boasted that no living being had ever withstood the full force of the Omega Effect, but Doomsday and Superman have both withstood the Effect.

Can Superman breathe outer space?

No, Superman can’t breathe in space because there is no air in space to breathe, but Superman has the ability to hold his breath for long periods of time.

Can Superman survive underwater?

Plot holes

There is no way that a simple breathing mask would have been anywhere near enough to protect Batman, Cyborg’s human flesh, or The Flash from the pressure at that depth. In addition, Superman and Wonder Woman cannot breathe underwater.

Can the Hulk breathe in space?

Naturally, since there isn’t any oxygen in outer space, Hulk can’t breathe in space – but eventually Banner gave additional Hulks even more adaptive capabilities, to the point where some powerful versions of Hulk can adapt so well to the hostile conditions of a vacuum that he can effectively live in outer space for

What is Aquaman’s weakness?

Aquaman’s greatest fear and weakness has just been exposed in the pages of DC Comics, as Arthur Curry is scared by water. Yes, that’s correct.

What was Thor’s weakness?

While Thor’s short temper has been well-documented, his determination is also a major weakness. Thor’s determination is a weakness in that he keeps throwing himself at an adverse situation to the point of threatening his life.

What is Spider Man’s weakness?

Anti-Venom has proven to be Spider-Man’s weakness whenever he’s close by due to the way that it affects the radiation poison that’s in Peter’s blood.

What is Wonder Woman’s weakness?

We all know how strong Wonder Woman is, but what about Wonder Woman’s weaknesses? Wonder Woman’s weaknesses are: being bound by a man (obsolete), Bracelets of Submission, Lasso of Truth, firearms, blades, old Gods, dimensional travel, Bind of Veils, Scarecrow’s Fear Gas, Poison, and her upbringing.

What is Captain Marvel’s weakness?

Perhaps it’s her authoritative nature responding kindly to hostile takeovers, or perhaps Kree warriors are just a little more prone to being taken over. Whatever it is, Carol Danvers is especially vulnerable to brainwashing, mind control, and everything of that ilk.

What is Batman weakness?

The fact that he is so reliant on technology is his major weakness because he“s practically handicapped without it and could not stand his ground against a plethora of his usual enemies. Dogs.