Who is better Alexios or Kassandra?

Who is better Alexios or Kassandra? In an issue of Game Informer, the game’s director Scott Philips revealed that the majority of players favored Alexios over Kassandra. Phillips said he was surprised as in playtests, the preference over both siblings was divided close to a 50/50.

In an issue of Game Informer, the game’s director Scott Philips revealed that the majority of players favored Alexios over Kassandra. Phillips said he was surprised as in playtests, the preference over both siblings was divided close to a 50/50.

Who can Kassandra romance?

5 Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Romances That Are Perfect For Kassandra (& 5 For Alexios)
  1. 1 Alexios – Thaletas.
  2. 2 Kassandra – Kyra.
  3. 3 Alexios – Roxana.
  4. 4 Kassandra – Daphnae.
  5. 5 Alexios – Lykinos.
  6. 6 Kassandra – Odessa.
  7. 7 Alexios – Kosta.
  8. 8 Kassandra – Anais.

Who does Alexios have a child with?

It conspires that in the second episode of the Legacy of the Blade DLC, Shadow Heritage, Alexios / Kassandra form a romantic relationship with Darius’ child and end up having a child.

Who is Alexios wife?

Theodora Kantakouzene Empress

Who is better Alexios or Kassandra? – Related Questions

Can you get pregnant in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey?

At the end of the DLC, the player’s character decides to enter into a relationship with either the daughter (if they’re playing as Alexios) or son (if they’re playing as Kassandra) of the proto-Assassin Darius. They then have a child.