Who is entity 808?

Who is entity 808? Entity 808 is the collective term used to describe three entities called “The Trinity”. These entities are The Light-Bringer, The Dark Warden, and The Phantom. These “sub-entities” have been designated Entity 808.1, Entity 808.2 and Entity 808.3 respectively.

Entity 808 is the collective term used to describe three entities called “The Trinity”. These entities are The Light-Bringer, The Dark Warden, and The Phantom. These “sub-entities” have been designated Entity 808.1, Entity 808.2 and Entity 808.3 respectively.

Who was the first person to see entity 303?

The first encounter of Entity 303 was a private email sent to TheSpeed179, who would later document his own sighting of the creature. In the email, the user named Frankie told Speed about how he was playing a regular Minecraft game on a private server with his friends, John, Vincent, and Brady.

How do you beat Herobrine?

What is Herobrine weapon?

Herobrine Weapons are a type of weapon wielded by Herobrine vessels and originated from Herobrine. They are black and purple in color and often have purple particles.

Who is entity 808? – Related Questions

Does Herobrine still exist?

Herobrine doesn’t exist (Copeland explained how he got the ball rolling here (opens in new tab)) and, for the record, Notch never had a brother. What is real, however, is the Minecraft world in which Herobrine was first seen.

How many health does Herobrine have?

Herobrine will have 500 health (x250 hearts) and will carry a Diamond Sword enchanted with Knockback, so be aware that the player can take some serious damage and potentially fall off the mountain.