Who is Gertjaars?

Gertjaars was a Belgian RuneScape player with a YouTube channel of the same name. He was ranked first overall until the release of the Dungeoneering skill. He has over 2 billion total experience and had achieved level 99 in every skill besides Dungeoneering, Divination and Invention.

Can a 7 year old play RuneScape?

Runescape is an amazing Fantasy game for kids about 10 or 11 and up. It has some mild language, but it’s not that bad.

What’s the purpose of RuneScape?

Mostly exploration, reading lore, making goals, killing people/dueling them, etc. It’s really up to the imagination on what to really do, considering there’s grinding skills to unlock content, do bosses, raids, quest, etc… The runescape wiki is is like a guide book in a way if you ever get stuck on something. May 26, 2021

When should I leave Lumbridge?

It is highly recommended that you do not leave Lumbridge until you are a decent combat level. Whenever you die you lose all but three of your most valuable items, and will respawn in Lumbridge.

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What is the fastest way to make money in RuneScape?

Another way to start making some gold pieces is by levelling up a skill such as Woodcutting, Fishing, or Mining. These three skills (Woodcutting, Fishing, and Mining) are known as the ‘Big Three’, and they have been the three primary money-making skills commonly used by players to make money in RuneScape.

How do I make an Old School RuneScape account?

Creating Your Old School RuneScape Account. Go to https://oldschool.runescape.com. Click the “”New User Sign up here”” button. Enter your new dedicated email for your OSRS account. Oct 25, 2020

How many players play rs3?

At the time of writing, there are always at least 50,000 people playing the game at any one time – with at least 20,000 on Runescape 3 and 30,000 on OldSchool. This is a somewhat impressive number already, but at peak times the number almost doubles – with near 58,000 playing OldSchool and 35,000 on Runescape 3. Dec 20, 2017

Where is Hans RuneScape?

the Lumbridge Castle courtyard Hans is the servant of Duke Horacio and can be found walking in circles around the Lumbridge Castle courtyard.

Is RuneScape 3 pay to win?

No, you can perfectly play and enjoy this game for free, however: Gaining game membership (subscription) that unlocks all quests, all skills and whole world/map areas is way more easy with real money.

How old is the average Runescape player?

16 “Like, less than 4% of our players are under 13, and the average age is 16. There are two major spikes; one at 14, and one at 18.

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Can my PC run Old School RuneScape?

Your PC can run Old School RuneScape if you have at least 4 GB of RAM, Intel i3+/AMD @ 2.4+ GHz processor, and GeForce 400x, Intel HD 4x, AMD Radeon 7xxx + graphics card. You’re also going to need 200 MB of free storage space. May 17, 2021

What should I do first in Old School RuneScape?

Once everything has been deposited, there are several ways to start playing: The player can train combat. There are many cows, chickens, goblins in Lumbridge. … The player can train non-combat skills. The player can start nearby quests such as X Marks the Spot or Cook’s Assistant. Jan 19, 2022

Are there mods for RuneScape?

Player Moderators (colloquially PMods or just mods) are RuneScape players chosen specifically by Jagex staff due to their commitment to the in-game community. They are ambassadors of the game and help to maintain an enjoyable in-game environment.

What’s the easiest skill to get 99 in RuneScape?

If you ask around searching for which is the easiest skill for you to get to level 99, many will tell you that it is Firemaking. This is a very popular skill amongst the realms of players that wish to hit level 99 as quickly as possibly, and it also provides a profit to players as well.

What is the average age of a RuneScape player?

16 “Like, less than 4% of our players are under 13, and the average age is 16. There are two major spikes; one at 14, and one at 18.

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Is RuneScape getting shut down?

After 17 years, RuneScape Classic, the original version of the online game, will shut down. The creators have shared the news three months in advance so that players have time to say goodbye. The multi-user game, set in a fantasy world, was released in 2001 and will stop running at 8am on 6 August, 2018. May 25, 2018