Who Is Link in love with Botw?
Who Is Link in love with Botw? Princess Zelda – The Ocarina of Time, Breath of the Wild It’s pretty well impossible to avoid talking about Link’s romantic life without discussing Princess Zelda, the woman he has saved countless times throughout different locations, time periods, and even universes.
It’s pretty well impossible to avoid talking about Link’s romantic life without discussing Princess Zelda, the woman he has saved countless times throughout different locations, time periods, and even universes.
What is Link’s full name?
According to Miyamoto, it’s “Link.” Yes, the hero of time’s official full name is Link Link.
Who does Link marry in breath of the wild?
Becoming King of Hyrule and marrying Princess Zelda herself. Despite the fact the two have no connection, this Link ends up becoming King of Hyrule after saving Zelda, marrying her in the process.
Does Link and Botw get together?
In actuality, they almost never end up together or strike up a romantic relationship. Most of the time, Link and Zelda maintain a strictly platonic relationship with even a few instances of them simply having a professional one.