Who is stronger flash or Sonic?

Who is stronger flash or Sonic? The Flash was MUCH, MUCH faster than Sonic, but Sonic actually beat Flash in most categories, particularly Attack Potency and Durability. Boomstick: The gap in speed was huge, but Sonic’s power and durability could certainly allow him to hold his own. At best, the Flash was Star level+ via the Infinite Mass Punch.

The Flash was MUCH, MUCH faster than Sonic, but Sonic actually beat Flash in most categories, particularly Attack Potency and Durability. Boomstick: The gap in speed was huge, but Sonic’s power and durability could certainly allow him to hold his own. At best, the Flash was Star level+ via the Infinite Mass Punch.

Who is faster flash Quicksilver or Sonic?

Sonic would win this race. Flash can travel up to and exceeding the speed of light. Quicksilver is not nearly that fast cuz of flashes speed force.

Who is the fastest speedster?

1) Flash (Wally West)

Similar to Allen, Wally gains his superspeed through the speed force. According to comics, although Wally West and Barry Allen have equal speed, Wally is considered the fastest speedster.

Is Sonic faster than Quicksilver?

3/10 Faster: Quicksilver

Quicksilver has reached speeds that are unimaginable and incomprehensible to the average person. Sonic the Hedgehog is very fast, there’s no arguing against that. Compared to this mutant hero, however, he couldn’t seem any slower.

Who is stronger flash or Sonic? – Related Questions

Who is faster than Shadow?

Simply put, Sonic’s faster than Shadow. Shadow admitted it himself in Sonic Chronicles. We just think Sonic and Shadow have the same speed because of what we see in the games with the both of them playable.