Who is the best character in Mario Kart?

Who is the best character in Mario Kart?
10 Best Characters To Play As In Mario Kart 8

8 Donkey Kong.
7 Waluigi.
6 Mii.
5 Morton.
4 Bowser.
3 Babies.
2 Dry Bowser.
1 Wario. One of the few anti-heroes of the franchise, Wario has been able to distinguish himself from the crowd of characters as a fan favorite.

10 Best Characters To Play As In Mario Kart 8
  • 8 Donkey Kong.
  • 7 Waluigi.
  • 6 Mii.
  • 5 Morton.
  • 4 Bowser.
  • 3 Babies.
  • 2 Dry Bowser.
  • 1 Wario. One of the few anti-heroes of the franchise, Wario has been able to distinguish himself from the crowd of characters as a fan favorite.