Who is the dev of fortnite?

Who is the dev of fortnite? Fortnite is an online video game developed by Epic Games and released in 2017.

Fortnite is an online video game developed by Epic Games and released in 2017.

How many programmers work on fortnite?

Of the people working on Fortnite, Sweeney stated: We have 700 people at Epic and it’s the majority. But it’s a fairly unusual situation. We shipped it with 25 people and now we’re responding to the reaction.

How much do Fortnite employees make?

Fortnite Salary
Annual Salary Weekly Pay
Top Earners $58,500 $1,125
75th Percentile $51,500 $990
Average $46,874 $901
25th Percentile $38,500 $740

Who is the dev of fortnite? – Related Questions

How many hours a week do Epic Games employees work?

Epic requires that current and former staff sign nondisclosure agreements limiting their ability to speak about the company’s operations. “I work an average 70 hours a week,” said one employee. “There’s probably at least 50 or even 100 other people at Epic working those hours.

How many employees work for Fortnite?

Epic Games
Headquarters in Cary, North Carolina, 2016
Products Unreal Engine Epic Games Store Unreal series Gears of War series Fortnite
Owners Tim Sweeney (>50%) Tencent (40%) Sony (4.9%) Kirkbi (3%)
Number of employees 2,200+ (2020)
Subsidiaries See § Subsidiaries and divisions