Who is the good guy in Game of Thrones?

Who is the good guy in Game of Thrones? Shireen, Sam, Hodor, Brienne, and Ned are the top 5 “good” characters, while Cersei, Littlefinger, Euron, Joffrey and Ramsay are considered the most evil. It’s interesting that Daenerys, while still considered generally “good,” is ranked nearly 10 spots lower than Jon Snow, who’s just behind Ned for goodness.

Shireen, Sam, Hodor, Brienne, and Ned are the top 5 “good” characters, while Cersei, Littlefinger, Euron, Joffrey and Ramsay are considered the most evil. It’s interesting that Daenerys, while still considered generally “good,” is ranked nearly 10 spots lower than Jon Snow, who’s just behind Ned for goodness.

Who killed Tyrion Lannister?

For her part, Dany is none too pleased with Tyrion for committing treason by freeing Jaime and trying to help him and Cersei escape and sentences him to death by dragon fire.

Who is the good guy in Game of Thrones? – Related Questions

Who married Sansa Stark?

Sansa Stark/Spouse

Who married Jon Snow?

The actors played on-screen couple Jon Snow and Ygritte for three seasons, but they have a real-life romance as well. Harington and Leslie got married on June 23, 2018, after dating for several years. In February 2021, the couple reportedly welcomed their first baby to the world.

Is Tyrion in love with Sansa?

But these two are not, and will likely never be, in love. They’re just two smart people who were once forced into marriage, and are now sort of friends because of it (which still makes the duo completely stannable in a platonic way). Sansa is a character who’s learned not to trust most people.

How many husbands did Sansa Stark have?

Photo: Photo 12/Alamy Stock Photo. Before the writers finally realized Sansa Stark was more than just a wife, she spent the first few seasons of Game Of Thrones being tossed from man to man. First, she was betrothed to Joffrey, then married to Tyrion Lannister, and then married to the horrible Ramsay Bolton.

Who does Sansa lose her virginity to?

Back in season five, “Game of Thrones” became embroiled in controversy when it took an even more significant detour from the books, having Sansa Stark lose her virginity when she is raped by the sadistic Ramsay Bolton on their wedding night.

How old is Joffrey when he dies?

Prince Joffrey Baratheon is known to the Seven Kingdoms as the eldest son and heir of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister.

Joffrey Baratheon
Died In 300 AC (aged 13), at Red Keep, King’s Landing
Royal House House Baratheon of King’s Landing
Queen Margaery Tyrell

How old is Sansa at the end of got?

In GOT’s final season, Sansa is 20, Arya is 18, and Bran, now the Three-Eyed-Raven, is 17.

How old was Jaime when he killed the mad king?

In the show, his birth year is 262AC, meaning Jaime was around 19-years-old when he killed the Mad King and forever became known as the Kingslayer.

How much older is tyrion than Sansa?

Main ASoIaF POV Characters:
Character Name Book Age Age Difference
Tyrion Lannister 24 8
Jon Snow 14 2
Brandon “Bran” Stark 7 3
Sansa Stark 11 2

Did Sansa get pregnant?

Some “Game of Thrones” fans speculated that Sansa Stark was pregnant with Ramsay Bolton’s baby after being raped numerous times during season five, but the actress who plays her has debunked this particularly nasty theory.

Is the hound in love with Sansa?

The Hound falls in love with Joffrey’s betrothed, Arya’s sister Sansa, enchanted by her innocence and romantic dreams. When he decides to abdicate his position during the Battle of the Blackwater, she’s the last one he visits.

Is Bran older than Arya?

Both of Bran’s sisters are older than him, but Sansa is his big sister, and Arya is his little sister.

Is Arya’s needle Valyrian steel?

Arya’s Needle

Though it’s not Valyrian steel — and we’re pretty sure she’ll leave it aside for the fight — Arya’s trademark weapon could come into play. If not, expect her to survive and fight with it another day. There’s too much weight put on that sword for it not to have one more major kill.

Is Jon Snow older than Sansa?

Jon Snow and Robb are a few months older than her, at 14 years old midway through 298 AC, which would make them 16 by the end of ADWD (though Robb never made it to 300 AC). Sansa is about two-and-a-half years younger than them, at 11 at the start of AGOT in mid-298 AC, making her 13 at the end of ADWD.