But as far as Starfleet knew for the next 78 years, Kirk died in Star Trek Generations’ opening scene. Captain Kirk’s actual death happened in 2371 at the end of Star Trek Generations’ main story. Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) also entered the Nexus and discovered Kirk was alive.
What was Captain Kirk last words?
His thoughts on that factored into Kirk’s final words, “Oh my.” Shatner recalled the night before filming Kirk’s death scene, explaining what he was thinking that led to those words. “I thought about dying, my death and this beloved character who’s going to be put to rest,” Shatner said.
How old do Vulcans live?
Vulcans are typically depicted as stronger, faster, and longer-lived than humans, however Vulcans are less cold-tolerant than humans. There are instances of them living over 220 years.
Who is the oldest surviving member of Star Trek? – Related Questions
Who is Captain of the Enterprise after Picard?
The new canonical Star Trek: Picard prequel novel has revealed who replaced Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) as the Captain of the Enterprise: Worf (Michael Dorn).
What does USS stand for in Star Trek?
The Making of Star Trek explains that USS means “United Space Ship” and that “Enterprise is a member of the Starship Class”.
Only the Nexus could allow these two greats to meet. The two Enterprise captains team up to save the day from Tolian Soran (Malcolm McDowell), with Kirk (William Shatner) ultimately dying in one of the most controversial and debated moments in Star Trek history.
Who is the most popular Star Trek character?
Captain James Kirk
Actually, there is one character that might be even more synonymous with Star Trek, depending on which fan you talk to. Captain James Tiberius Kirk was the most famous captain of the Enterprise, revered by the Federation as a skilled diplomat and brilliant tactician.
How many lights did Picard see?
He offers Picard a choice: to remain in captivity for the rest of his life or live in comfort by admitting that he sees five lights.
Who was captain of the Enterprise before Picard?
Enterprise NCC-1701 was built in the San Francisco Yards orbiting Earth. The Constitution-class starship was previously captained by Robert April and Christopher Pike, before coming under the command of Captain James T. Kirk.
The unwanted prize here goes to Captain Archer from Enterprise, who lost 67% percent of his crew.
What is the highest warp speed in Star Trek?
The warp drive has a natural physical or economical limit beyond which higher speeds are no longer possible. The reference work Star Trek Fact Files indicates this limit at warp factor 9.99. This is the highest conventional warp speed mentioned for a spaceship (Borg cube).
How much older is Uhura than Kirk?
So if Uhura is a cadet on Enterprise serving a 5th year field assignment, then working backwards from 2258 at the earliest she entered the Academy at age 19 in 2253, making her a year younger than Kirk (at this point making her around 24).
Does Spock marry Uhura?
The pair are explicitly broken up in the movie, and they do not get back together.
What race is Uhura?
James Blish’s non-canon novels identify her as Bantu, as does Gene Roddenberry’s novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Uhura first appears in the episode “The Man Trap”, joining the crew of the USS Enterprise as a lieutenant, and serves as chief communications officer under Captain Kirk.
Did Uhura serve under Captain Pike?
The retcon here is pretty great: It turns out Uhura was serving on the Enterprise as a cadet under Captain Pike, well before she became a full officer. Now that Celia Rose Gooding will play her on the new series, we may finally get to see the full story of who Uhura is and what her journey and Starfleet were all about.
The beloved Vulcan’s full name is officially S’Chn T’Gai Spock. The name actually comes from a popular fan work-turned novel for The Original Series in Barbara Hambly’s Ishmael which was published in 1985.
What was Uhura’s final rank?
She remained an indispensable fixture on the Enterprise’s bridge for the next 22 years, until she retired with the final rank of full commander on approximately stardate 9524.0 (2293).
Why does Uhura wear red and yellow?
Yellow uniforms are worn by executive officers and department chiefs, including Kirk. Blue uniforms are for science officers, including Bones and Spock, while red uniforms are for officers involved in operating and manning the ship. As a communications officer, Uhura is most commonly seen in a red uniform.
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