Why are Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons sold out?

Why are Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons sold out? Nintendo product shortages are nothing new–you don’t need to look back very far to find examples like Amiibo figures and Ring Fit Adventure. In this case, the lack of Joy-Cons may stem directly from COVID-19.

Nintendo product shortages are nothing new–you don’t need to look back very far to find examples like Amiibo figures and Ring Fit Adventure. In this case, the lack of Joy-Cons may stem directly from COVID-19.

Are all Joy-Cons the same?

The Joy-Con controllers included with Nintendo Switch – OLED Model are the same as the controllers currently available.” This seems to make it clear that there would be no differences between the joy-cons.

Do I need 2 sets of Joy-Cons?

No you don’t unless if the game requires full controls. If the game supports horizontal controls like for instance Mario kart 8 deluxe.

Do I need to buy extra Joy-Cons?

Do I need to buy anything extra to play with my friends and family? You’ll be able to play select games for up to two players with the included Joy-Con (one controller per person). You’ll also be able to purchase extra controllers for multiplayer games for 3+ players.

Why are Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons sold out? – Related Questions

Are newer Joy-Cons better?

According to technology division director Ko Shiota, the Switch OLED has JoyCons that are more resistant to wear and tear than the original Switch models. ” The analog-stick parts have continuously been improved since launch, and we are still working on improvements,”Shiota said.