Why does Eren need to touch?

Why does Eren need to touch? It’s simple — he is not of royal blood. In order to truly access the Founding Titan’s abilities, the holder needs to be in physical contact with someone of royal blood. This is why Zeke Yeager is needed.

It’s simple — he is not of royal blood. In order to truly access the Founding Titan’s abilities, the holder needs to be in physical contact with someone of royal blood. This is why Zeke Yeager is needed.

Why did Zeke and Eren wait to touch?

It was a trust exercise between half-blood siblings. Or Eren decided to follow what he saw would happen in the future, meaning he had to wait until it was the right to act, not then or later.

Who knew of Eren’s plan?

As it turned out, Floch not only knew about Eren’s attack ahead of time, but he also knew about Eren’s plan to betray Zeke and his Euthanasia Plan to instead use the Rumbling to destroy the world, 10 months before it actually happened.

How old is Eren in the final season?

Eren Jeager – March 30th

This then makes him 19 in season 4 after the 4 year time skip in which Eren underwent a substantial growth spurt, growing from 5’7″ (170.2 cm) to 6″ (182.9 cm).

Why does Eren need to touch? – Related Questions

What is Eren and Historia relationship?

In AOTNR, Historia agrees to keep quiet about Eren’s plan, but not for ambiguous reasons like in the original story, but only after Eren promises to come back alive to Paradis. In this version, Eren and Historia do have a romantic relationship and he becomes the father of her child.