Why is Mace Windu the only one with a purple lightsaber?

Why is Mace Windu the only one with a purple lightsaber? The lightsaber’s amethyst color was chosen by the actor portraying Windu, Samuel L. Jackson, who wanted a purple lightsaber because he was “the second baddest Jedi in the universe” and so he could find himself among the many Jedi featured in the Battle of Geonosis scene.

The lightsaber’s amethyst color was chosen by the actor portraying Windu, Samuel L. Jackson, who wanted a purple lightsaber because he was “the second baddest Jedi in the universe” and so he could find himself among the many Jedi featured in the Battle of Geonosis scene.

What lightsaber does Mace Windu use?

Mace Windu was one of the most distinctive members of the Jedi Order, so it was only logical that he carried one of the most distinctive Jedi weapons. Windu’s saber had a plasma blade of amethyst – a brilliant warning to enemies that the Jedi Order’s greatest champion was ready for battle.

What does Mace Windu’s lightsaber say?

Larson told Fallon that Jackson brought her his lightsaber from “Star Wars” on May 4, otherwise known as Star Wars Day. “I just immediately burst into tears,” she said. She added that Jackson had the lightsaber inscribed with the phrase “Bad Motherf—–.”

Why is Mace Windu’s lightsaber purple lore?

The blade was also rare, in that it was purple. This color was acheived using an extremely rare crystal found on the planet Hurikane. The purple color was symbolic, indicating that the bearer had studied several forms of lightsaber combat, including delving into the dark techniques of the Sith.

Who is the GREY Jedi?

A definition for “true Gray Jedi” that appeared in the Jedi Academy Training Manual further described them as those who did not belong to any Force-based organization and who explored both the light and the dark sides of the Force without becoming corrupted by the dark side.

Was Mace Windu stronger than Yoda?

Yoda was winning between their duel why still in the light side of the Force. Meanwhile, Mace had to turn slightly to the dark between the duel between him and Sidious to win. Yoda on the other hand, didn’t turn dark. So, this proves that Yoda is far more stronger than Sidious or Mace Windu.