Why was Ratchet left behind?

Why was Ratchet left behind?

Once Ratchet arrived, Tachyon explained how Ratchet was left behind from the other Lombaxes because of the actions of his father, Kaden. Tachyon gave Ratchet the option to join the Lombaxes in their current dimension, opening a portal that led there and making Clank’s vision become a reality.

How many Lombax are there?

Complete the side quest fully and you’ll be rewarded with some rich lombax history, plus some new armour to wear. Finding all 12 won’t actually take you all that long once you have this guide to follow. Jun 11, 2021

Why do pro Fortnite players use female skins?

Reducing screen jumble, even a little bit, can make it easier for gamers to defend themselves in dicey situations. Female Fortnite skins are also harder to spot in the distance because of their marginally smaller build. That provides a crucial offensive advantage as well. Mar 23, 2021

Why do guys pick girl characters in video games?

Men playing female characters (typically designed for the male gaze) is another way for men to objectify and control women’s bodies. Female avatars are treated better than male avatars in online games and more likely to get “freebies” and invited to groups. Aug 5, 2021

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Why are Fortnite female skins so thick?

I think it’s all an illusion. The female characters have always been wearing some sort of cargo pants, which looked big on them, which also made them look thicker. In reality, it’s just the pants. The female soccer skins, and even triple threat. Jun 24, 2018

Can a 12 year old play GTA San Andreas?

Gta games are not intended for kids. Language should not be your primary concern in a game where you play as a violent criminal – Written by a young adult man who actively plays games.

Why is Roblox 12+?

Roblox appeals directly children under 12, easy targets who lack the ability to discriminate between appropriate and inappropriate requests. The game invites players to explore imaginary worlds of all kinds. Some of these are sexual in nature.